Craft Hope Spreading seeds of hope one stitch at a time

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Wanted Tools

I stumbled upon this whilst pursuing Craftster. I now need a drill. I want a drill! AHHH!! So many projects so little time! I do love DIY tutorials even if I don't have the proper tools.

Spoon Pendants by Jean

In this article, I share a nifty tutorial on how to make a spoon pendant (as well as a few other variations made with the same process!). My inspiration was this project by Craftster member rhodora. rhodora used a jewelry saw to create her pendant, but since I don’t have access to one, I turned to my trusty Dremel!

I use my Dremel for all sorts of crafty purposes such as glass etching, polishing, carving and making recycled jewelry. I’ve created some really awesome Altoid tin pieces by stripping the paint and engraving gorgeous and intricate little patterns on them with the Dremel. Around our house, I’ve used the Dremel for installing wall outlets, repair work on our motorcycles, and THE BEST THING EVER, re-slotting stripped screws.

Jean's Creations
Star Spoon Keychain
Star Keychain
Turtle Shrink Plastic Pendant
Shrink Plastic Embellished Pendant
Spoon Suncatcher
Jewelled Suncatcher
Tree Spoon Pendant
Tree Pendant
Project Supplies Supplies:

Dremel 688-01 Cut-off Wheel Accessory Set
Safety glasses
Spoons (stainless steel in this instance)

Step 1 Step One:

Design an image on the spoon with a marker.

Step 1 Part Two The possibilities are endless for designs! Think of abstract images, symbols, holidays or just simple and fun shapes.
Step 2 Step Two:

Cut your image from the spoon. I use a Tungsten Carbide Cutter for this step. Make an initial hole in the spoon and then slowly work outward until your entire image is detailed. I find it helpful to secure the spoon in a workbench with clamps for this step.

Step 3 Step Three:

Have fun by creating swirls, texture and designs with other attachments. I like to create a hammered appearance on some of my pieces. This will eliminate any accident scratches or marks on your piece as well.

Step 4 Step Four:

Cut the handle of the spoon with a Dremel Cut-Off Wheel. Be sure to leave enough handle to create a loop at the top of the pendant.

Step 5 Step Five:

Use pliers to bend the top of the spoon to create a loop. Depending on your strength and the thickness of your spoon, you may need to use gloves or two pairs of pliers for this step. Make your bends slowly. Be careful not to bend back and forth too quickly or you might break the neck of the spoon.

If the pliers make marks on your spoon, just repeat Step Three.

Finished Pendant Completed Project!

Add a ribbon, chain or cord and your necklace is compete!

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